Air Quality in Ho-Chi-Minh-City, Vietnam πŸ‡»πŸ‡³

This site shows the air quality & polliution data I collect at my balcony (35th Floor)
in Vinhomes Central Park (~4km from District 1)

Sensor Data is hosted at:

Latest PM2.5 & PM10 (Air pollution) Data in from Ho-Chi-Minh-City

What means PM2.5 & PM10

What is Particulate Matter?

Airborne particulate matter (PM) is not a single pollutant, but rather is a mixture of many chemical species. It is a complex mixture of solids and aerosols composed of small droplets of liquid, dry solid fragments, and solid cores with liquid coatings. Particles vary widely in size, shape and chemical composition, and may contain inorganic ions, metallic compounds, elemental carbon, organic compounds, and compounds from the earth’s crust. Particles are defined by their diameter for air quality regulatory purposes. Those with a diameter of 10 microns or less (PM10) are inhalable into the lungs and can induce adverse health effects. Fine particulate matter is defined as particles that are 2.5 microns or less in diameter (PM2.5). Therefore, PM2.5 comprises a portion of PM10.

What is the Difference Between PM10 and PM2.5?

PM10 and PM2.5 often derive from different emissions sources, and also have different chemical compositions. Emissions from combustion of gasoline, oil, diesel fuel or wood produce much of the PM2.5 pollution found in outdoor air, as well as a significant proportion of PM10. PM10 also includes dust from construction sites, landfills and agriculture, wildfires and brush/waste burning, industrial sources, wind-blown dust from open lands, pollen and fragments of bacteria.

PM may be either directly emitted from sources (primary particles) or formed in the atmosphere through chemical reactions of gases (secondary particles) such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and certain organic compounds. These organic compounds can be emitted by both natural sources, such as trees and vegetation, as well as from man-made (anthropogenic) sources, such as industrial processes and motor vehicle exhaust. The relative sizes of PM10 and PM2.5 particles are compared in the figure below.


Temperature in Ho-Chi-Minh-City:

Humidity in Ho-Chi-Minh-City:

How to Collect Data?

The Data is collect by two Sensors (SDS011 & DHT22) Following this great Tutorial:

Parts to Build the PM2.5, PM10, Temperature & Humidity sensor:

  • NodeMCU ESP8266, CPU/WLAN
  • SDS011 Fine dust sensor
  • DHT22, temperature & humidity
  • Cable
  • USB cable e.g.: flat 2m Micro-USB
  • Power supply USB
  • Cable straps
  • Flexible tube, if possible not transparent, diameter 6 mm
  • Weather protection Box




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